Exciting NFL and tennis news !

football betting tips -

The two best clubgowi sports percentage wise in the last four years have been NFL and Tennis (mostly WTA), we have made the most money on football, that is day to day and has huge volume, but in terms of ROI, these have been the top two returning sports.

For 2017 we have decided to offer both as stand alone sports and products, so you can sign up just for tennis and/or NFL.

The best just got better ...........

football betting tips -


We have often spoken about Sportmarket Pro being the perfect betting tool and also that they are striving to become a one stop betting account for all punters and all the advantages of a Pro account are listed below. But wait, they have now added Rugby Union to their list of sports and perhaps most exciting of all, individual team totals on many (most) football games.

Now you have the option to go over/under on whichever team you have an opinion on and this opens up so many more possible plays and gives you greater control over how you bet .
