
Almost 14 years and 15 seasons later .............

football betting tips -


We are fast closing in on 14 years since Gambling and Other Wholesome Interests (GOWI) started (March 2006), first as the blog of that name, before evolving into the website and the thousands of previews posted over that time are  ALL still available to read and stand testament to the quality of the work produced every single day in the newsletter. Results for those 14 seasons are below and are simply outstanding !


clubgowi blog/website results 2006-2020 (correct to 21/02/20)


clubgowi free to view content ...............


We are fast closing in on 14 years since Gambling and Other Wholesome Interests (GOWI) started (March 2006), first as the blog of that name, before evolving into the website and the thousands of previews posted over that time are  ALL still available to read and stand testament to the quality of the work produced every single day in the newsletter. Results for those 14 seasons are below and are simply outstanding !


clubgowi blog/website results 2006-2019 (correct to 31/12/19)


The new NFL season and half price subscription offer ............

football betting tips -


The new NFL season starts today and I have sent subscribers a 3,800 word preview from an unusual starting point ! It includes a strong bet at double digit odds and write ups on four teams highlighted as "improvers"................I am quite pleased with it.

There is a half price or perhaps more accurately a BOGOF offer for the clubgowi newsletter service this week ( see below) and I will send a copy of the NFL preview to anyone taking up the offer.


