clubgowi update ............

football betting tips -

The results page of the website has been updated to the end of November, but as, hopefully, most of you know by now, the service is about far more than basic results.

However, because I did not hide and was open about our worst ever week back in September, I do want to just talk about something briefly. At the time, I said that in a few months,a terrible week would just be a blip in the bigger picture and if you look at the graph below, you will see that is the case and we have already more than recovered those losses and the trend continues ever upwards.

Most of my subscribers know that, they are here for the long haul and appreciate that we will almost certainly do well, year after year, just as we have done for the last (almost ) nine years.

Loyalty is a two way street and long term subscribers always have the opportunity to re-new at reduced rates and 41% are already signed up for at least 12 months, many well into 2016 and several into 2017.

That should tell you more about the service than any results ever could.

Good Luck.




Subscribing to clubgowi need not break the bank. Our paid service provides in-depth analysis on over 100 sporting events each month, all  for as little as 2.73 euros per day. In 2013 there were 1,317 selections,  stakes were 1,707 units, producing a profit of 260.5 units, at a  ROI of +15.26%. Find out more by visiting our subscriptions page.


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