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football betting tips -

I have been posting on the blog Gambling and Other Wholesome Interests (GOWI) and here on the website since March 2006 and everything I have ever written is still available to read, many millions of words of original sports betting content and thousands of betting previews and suggestions, which, rather incredibly, have made a profit in each of those 18 seasons!

That is such an incredible feat that it cannot pass without comment and we have already provided 4 winners from the first selections put up for 2024, a very long way to go, but we are on track to make that 19 from 19! However, that is not the reason for writing or posting online, that is to give you a taste of what can be read in the clubgowi newsletter. It is sent out daily by email to subscribers and most weeks it includes 25-40 previews of sporting events, on the website in 2023 you could read around 50 of those, so about 3% of the total clubgowi output finds its way online, in other words, not very much.
You can get to see another 50+ previews in the next two weeks if you wish, as I am running a free trial for 14 days between January 25th and February 7th inclusive. All you need to do is send an email via the contact tab on this website and include the words "opt in" before midnight on January 24th. I will send you confirmation that you have been added and some other information about what to expect ASAP. 
Good luck!

We don't just sell football betting tips, as you can see there is an extensive analysis behind our asian handicap selections. Subscribing to our sports betting advice service need not break the bank. Learn more by visiting our subscriptions page.

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