Weekend only subscription !

football betting tips -
Something new this week and it will be an occasional offering in the future, the chance to sign up for the full clubgowi service for the weekend only !
This weekend it will be from Friday March 1st until Sunday March 3rd inclusive and there were will be four newsletters total, two on Friday, one each on Saturday and Sunday.
What can you learn in three days ? Not an awful lot, but it will give you a feel for the service, you will get used to the format/ lay out, see that we are very punctual and organised and give you a lot of content to go along with selections and with additional betting options. After expiry you will get the chance to sign up for longer at a reduced rate and even if that is not of interest, you will then be in the database and receive the free newsletter updates ( every 2-3 weeks) and be kept up to date on all things clubgowi/Sportmarket Pro.
Good luck !

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